AmigaActive (857/2143)

From:Duncan Gibb
Date:11 May 2000 at 01:33:25
Subject:Re: Yamaha help desk

On 10-May-00, Michael Carter wrote:

GD> I thought Yamaha were quite good at Amiga support

MC> They do provide software? I think it was written by a 3rd party and just
MC> made available, but not supported I would guess.

As per my second post yesterday, I take this all back. Yamaha _used_ to
host a copy of the Amiga reflashing tool (which is indeed by the MakeCD
folks), and their website _used_ to carry the flashrom images needed to use
it, along with instructions. They have, however, removed it all during a

I have emailed them to ask why, but all I got back was a load of "perhaps
you would like to contact our customer service department in one of the
following countries" gumph. Grrrr...

As if in protest, the CDRW refused to be recognised for the first two boots
today. I hope my SCSI rig isn't heading south...


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